The Brightside Approach


I like to approach my sessions as “photographic experiences”- Not an hour of posing! YOU are the one investing- so I want you to embrace each second, making memories while creating a cherished keepsake with your loved ones.

I am fueled by genuine, emotive actions, uncontrolled laughter, madly-in-love couples, babbling babies and sassy little ones. I want to freeze every single moment.

I fall in love with my families and am so honored to document their stories over the years- from that first birth session, al the way to a parent’s journey through hospice. (Yes, it’s been done)

If you are like myself and are laid back, crave adventure, find meaning in the small moments of the day, stop every evening to appreciate the painted sky, and get lost in laughter and the sparkle in your lover’s eye- I am your girl. Those candid, natural images that capture the honest and beautiful moments of your life are the ones that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.



Baby Bumps



I create my images similar to how I enjoy my wine, coffee, & life;
Rich, bold and memorable, smeared with a layer of sweetness and whimsy.



My Travels